Tuesday, June 15, 2010

During August is when we celebrate a festival called 'Ganesh Chaturthi.' It has been a family tradition that every year we make dioramas and decorate the idol and the set for the idol. We even make our own idol. These are the decoration from last year. :D This is what we made in 2009 at my brother's place.

These two people I made using illustration board and handmade paper and copper wire.
These are traditional pilgrims of lord Ganesha from Maharashtra. The people are as tall as 8 cms.

The paper cut design in the front took me almost 4 hours to design and then cut. Was the first time I tried something like this.

This is the complete decoration.

tree prototypes

These are some trees I made as prototypes for my set. I made these over the winter vacation last year.

this was made with illustration board and card board from a packaging box.

This was made with strips of drawing paper stuck close together on a twister copper wire.

This palm tree is my fav! :D It took the least amount of time and came out looking the best! I made this with drawing paper and copper wire again.

This one I used handmade paper twister it and then stuck the pieces on twisted copper wire.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

As part of my thesis, I wanted to build a set from paper. The trees, the benches, the landscape, everything I made from paper. The landscape I made with plaster of paris and newsprint. The tree trunk I made with drawing paper, and the leaves and the benches, were made from illustration board. These are all pictures while I was still completing the set.

I spent about 14 weeks to put it all together and I really enjoyed the whole process. Unfortunately, the set was lost during a school departmental move. Now, everything is Cg and it all built in Houdini. I have tried to keep the look the same.

PS: the place-holder cutout of my character is standing in stop motion clay and not chewing gum :)