Thursday, January 27, 2011

This is a model of a bullock cart that I am still working on.

This is my attempt at making a miniature potted plant. :)

Paper trees

These are some trees I made inspired by Su Blackwell's trees. These were prototypes for the set I built completely out of paper and plaster of paris for my thesis. It was a park scene with a bench surrounded by trees. I made two detachable stages so that I could get good depth of field while filming.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

by the lotus pond

I miss running out into the rain and placing paper boats into streams of water and watching them float away.... so I decided I'd simulate it in paper as a dedication to old childhood habits :)


I've been wanting to make a street lamp for sometime now, and so once I'd made my first attempt at it, I decided it needed something more. That's how he happened :D

on rocky seas